I have worked for many years as a manager and have been responsible for many leadership training programs during
that time. Appointing managers is relatively easy – but one cannot simply appoint someone to be a leader.
Today’s managers often face high and numerous demands, yet the foundation for becoming a successful leader, capable
of good leadership, is often neglected. Unfortunately, management is more common than true leadership.
There are countless courses and training programs aimed at supporting and helping managers succeed in their roles – but most focus on various methods and techniques, which, at best, provide temporary relief, but are mostly like fireworks.
The foundation for succeeding as a leader with good leadership is a strong and genuine self-image and authentic self-awareness.
During my years as a manager, I have invested a lot of energy and time in getting to know myself. With the support and honest feedback from my colleagues and team members, I have made considerable progress. Yet, I have missed deeper dimensions in my journey of self-discovery. Traditional feedback is, of course, very valuable but rarely provides deeper dimensions. It often involves a lot of words and intellectual analyses and discussions, where the mind/brain is in charge. The body is completely left out, even though it is our true foundation.
After a meditation course and subsequent mindfulness courses, I began to realize the value of getting to know and listening to my true foundation – my body and all its reactions. This is sadly neglected in our culture. When the body protests (the stomach is usually an early warning) and we feel unwell, we often turn to the medicine cabinet to alleviate the symptoms – instead of exploring the causes and listening to what the body wants to communicate. I have been no exception – until now.
My search for qualified support in this process led me, upon recommendation, to Riihannon Wilde. The development and training program she conducts meets extremely high standards. She is exceptionally professional and possesses profound and extensive knowledge and skills. Her expertise goes beyond intellectual knowledge, integrating the body and the whole person. Riihannon truly has a holistic perspective. She has a remarkable ability to quickly pinpoint the core and the cause of various reactions. Her personal warmth, empathy, and impressive intuition are highly prominent.
My journey within myself, alongside Riihannon, has provided – and continues to provide – me with new insights and feelings on an ongoing basis. It is truly a discovery journey that goes deep and involves my entire being – not just my mind. And of course not only my worklife. Her programme includes entire me and my attitude to my private life, sex life etc. It is a rich and exciting life-long journey – if you choose it to be so! I am deeply grateful to have Riihannon as my “travel guide” and I warmly recommend her.!
- Stefan
As a manager with years of experience, I’ve often observed how leadership training focuses on methods and techniques that offer only temporary results. True leadership requires a strong self-image and authentic self-awareness—yet this foundation is often neglected.
My journey of self-discovery led me to Riihannon Wilde, whose embodiment program goes beyond intellectual exercises to integrate the body and whole person. Her holistic approach, exceptional professionalism, and intuitive insights have been transformative.
Working with Riihannon has been a deep, ongoing journey that has enriched both my work and personal life. I am profoundly grateful to have her as my guide and highly recommend her.
-Stefan Kihlberg
Riihannon is a modern shamanic healer, and she owns her own power and worth. That's why she's is such a competent body therapist, ​she knows what she is doing and trusts her intuition. One treatment with Riihannon beats all the treatments I have ever received in all other body therapy forms.
-​Josefa Maria Pedersen, Denmark
I can in every conceivable way recommend Riihannon's embodiment training in De-armouring and sacred spaceholding! It has completed my sexologist training and taken it all to the next level, down into the body, so it was not just my head that understood it.
Releasing the traumas that have been sitting in my body has completely blown me away. I had no idea my body was carrying around so much shit, and now it makes much better sense when my body goes into fight, flight, freeze mode. Creating that connection between head and body has changed my life radically.
During the modules, I experienced time and time again being met where I was, in unconditional love by both Riihannon herself but also her fantastic spaceholder team.
The Pleasure Temple way of de-armouring and sacred spaceholding gives absolutely amazing tools for releasing trauma, experiencing unconditional love on a level that cannot be described in words, and takes your consciousness in life to a higher level.
​ - Susanne Lindahl, Denmark
This education is the most transformative that I have ever tried in my life.
-Lisa Haulrik​, Denmark
​​Working with Riihannon was a very beautiful and transformative experience which came at a much needed time. In one session having a full body tantra massage and de-armouring of my emotional blockages in my pelvic floor.
Riihannon took me to the very core of the issues I have been experiencing around self-love (or rather lack of self-love) for years and I am eternally grateful to her for bringing my awareness to this in such a gentle, open and empowering way.
I now act differently and much more self-loving in my everyday life as a clear result of this session. ​​A few weeks later she also did a intuitive healing session with my Mum and it was so beautiful to ​feel how much more open she was after, and our relationship has blossomed as a result. I can’t recommend Riihannon enough :)
~ Lisa Newberry, England
Riihannon is talking the walk! Her biggest gift is how she honours the feminine so it feels safe to open and grow. She is a genius in spotting and supporting trauma release and your body feels completely safe - she fucking got you so you can learn to get yourself. She is a rare soul on this planet that you can trust with your heart, body and soul and she will always be a gatekeeper for the feminine.
-Avalon Khaan, Denmark
Riihannon is a powerful sexual healer and is highly experienced in the Tantric field.She knows how to reach sooooo incredibly deeply into the core of your being and Soul and awaken that sleeping (or perhaps dead) part of your energy body which is yearning to come to life again."​​
- Jafree Ozwald - USA
The last 4 days have been the most open and transformational times I have had in my life.
It has been the first 4 days of My Tantric Sexology Education.
I have been completely immersed in the practices and the community of the wonderful men and women whom I am lucky to share this new and evolutionary experience with.
It has been the most safe and loving community of which I have ever been a part. I feel seen, held and loved for my entire being.
I have let go this past weekend. Let go of my mistrust in men and of my sexual history. And I have let go of the separation between my masculine and feminine - how fucking amazing is that!
Puff, just like that. I feel light, I feel love, I feel a deep sense of expansion - and I already feel that I am showing up in this world as a more connected and authentic human being.
I am completely resonating with this journey I am entering into and the place I am in my life.
I am so thankful for the new family I am receiving through my peers and my mentors Riihannon, Celestine & Paal.
I believe with my entire being that I am now part of a beautiful evolution and revolution of a new (ancient) deep way of being authentic and loving intimacy with ourselves and others - through a grounded and loving embodiment of all that we are as human beings.
- Katharina - Denmark
Since the Feminine ​Leadership retreat in April I have met a man where I can lean in to my feminine flow, he holds space, listens, it’s become easier for me to state boundaries, feel safe and experience new levels of pleasure.
I am more in touch with myself. I’ve become way more assertive and setting boundaries and clear expectations with friends and coworkers.
I’m using a lot of the exercises regularly to release energy and trauma and to become even more aware of my triggers and projections.
And so much more that I cannot our words on. thank you both! I would go again, if it wasn’t for another commitment that I have decided to prioritize out of love.​
- Mette Maagesen - Denmark
Riihannon is a true inspiration. She is an awakened Goddess, powerful and unbelievably present.
My session with her uncovered some core issues to work on. I was challenged to witness stuck emotions in my body that needed to be felt and experienced, but i felt deeply held by the safe space.
Riihannon has a profound ability to be a vessel of healing!
If you are searching for the truth behind your wounds, she will guide, nurturer and advise you on your path.
​Thank you Riihannon for giving the tools to guide me forward.
Siggy Boyle, Australia
Jeg har de seneste dage været på modul med @the_pleasure_temple.Vi har fået undervisning i bla sund vredes forløsning og de-armouring af traumer der sidder i kroppen.
Jeg har givet og modtaget denne unikke, kærlige og smukke form for kropsterapi. Jeg har åbnet mig som aldrig før.Jeg har modtaget mere kærlighed fra de andre kvinder, end jeg kunne forstille mig muligt. Jeg har nået dybe steder i mit indre, som er smukkere end stjernehimlen. Jeg er så taknemmelig. Jeg er så stolt af mig. Jeg er så stolt af de andre.
- Miluna Forsmann, Denmark
The Tantric Sexology education has been a deeply transformative journey for me. The teachings are profound and the teachers are very passionate. I have rarely encountered an education where there is so much focus on authenticity and embodiment. Practice what you preach. This not only helped me connect to my deepest truth, but also supported me in how to act on it. I feel more confident as a man, husband and father, aligned with my purpose and ready to share my gifts with the world. So much gratitude for all that poured their heart in this education!
- Mathijs Mulder, The Netherlands
I am very grateful for the session I had with Riihannon. It has made a big difference in my life, in relation to myself and my outside the world. She has a magical energy that creates space in total presence, feeling safe and loved. A space where I felt free to be everything that I am. I felt seen at all levels!
Riihannon's strong intuition, energy and strength supported me in the deepest layers of me and my depths as a woman, here the parts that I have ignored and suppressed could come forward. In various contexts, I have been working on a trauma of sexual abuse that happened a few years ago. But I never never had a release in my body from the abuse - thanks to the in depth and caring work of Riihannon, I was able to get the reaction through the body in a total safe space and react fully - It was deeply healing for me!
Throughout the session I found myself fully free in my expression on what I felt and a lot of purification and healing happened, because of the tremendous care and calmness of Riihannon.
I am so deeply grateful for the transformation that I feel both physically, mentally and emotionally and feel that I am more free in my authentic emotions - much more courage to be completely my authentic self. At the same time I also feel , a greater contact to my spirit, love, power, a basic joy from the inside!
With deep warmth I recommend Riihannons work.
- Friederikke Sofia Krogh, Denmark
Wow... Riihannon is the most authentic, non-bullshit, insanely amazing woman I have ever met. She is a powerful force of creativity and love and an incredible example of living out not only her passion but her truth.
I am so honoured to have had the opportunity to have her as a bodyworker and mentor and help guide me seamlessly through blocks and blind spots that had been hindering me for YEARS!! She has an uncanny ability to truly see through all the veils and pierce to the bullseye of your soul. She truly SEES people!
What a blessing to have worked with her. She moved me so deep, far, and fast towards my truth it was actually a wild ride, but I felt so safe and supported in her more than capable hands. ​So much love and gratitude.
- Kathrine Bates - USA
When I need assistance to dive deep into my yet-to-be-discovered depths, I need someone to hold space for me that is naturally comfortable going where I am not yet. This is what I initially felt Riihannon was able to do, and throughout my sessions with her this was exactly my experience.
Riihannon sets you free, holds space in the most loving way and is fully present with me in her deep bodywork and soul guidance - which was healing for me in itself along with being encouraged to speak my needs.
She holds a space free of judgement, free of rushing. No demands. Just being. Surrender. Allowing me to receive.
And I want to add the word natural. It all felt so natural. When working in a deep intimate space in my energy and my physical body, feeling safe is everything - and Riihannon creates that feeling in me and in the room through her incredible ability to make me feel met, heard, seen, beautiful, powerful and vulnerable at the same time.
It is very obvious to me that Riihannon is dedicated to what she does, that she takes it seriously and that her own alignment and walking the talk is among the things takes her services to such an epic next level.
This is not just body work, it is soul work and energy work at its finest.I can not thank her enough for introducing me to Human Design and guiding me on my right path and into my own purest soul essence.​
Thank you Riihannon - so happy our paths crossed in this lifetime!
- Mathilda Yokelin, Denmark
When I need assistance to dive deep into my yet-to-be-discovered depths, I need someone to hold space for me that is naturally comfortable going where I am not yet. This is what I initially felt Riihannon was able to do, and throughout my sessions with her this was exactly my experience.
Riihannon sets you free, holds space in the most loving way and is fully present with me in her deep bodywork and soul guidance - which was healing for me in itself along with being encouraged to speak my needs. She holds a space free of judgement, free of rushing. No demands. Just being. Surrender. Allowing me to receive. And I want to add the word natural. It all felt so natural.
When working in a deep intimate space in my energy and my physical body, feeling safe is everything - and Riihannon creates that feeling in me and in the room through her incredible ability to make me feel met, heard, seen, beautiful, powerful and vulnerable at the same time. It is very obvious to me that Riihannon is dedicated to what she does, that she takes it seriously and that her own alignment and walking the talk is among the things takes her services to such an epic next level. This is not just body work, it is soul work and energy work at its finest.
I can not thank her enough for introducing me to Human Design and guiding me on my right path and into my own purest soul essence.
Thank you Riihannon - so happy our paths crossed in this lifetime!
It's been difficult for me to decide to have a session with someone since I hardly ever trust people.
After a past trauma of abuse, I easily get triggered by small things as a certain way to be touched or a certain attitude. With this experience, it is very difficult for me to be touched because the feeling of "being abused or to feel froze" is so deep in my system, even by someone who, in that moment, is treating you in order to heal you.
I felt very safe and comfortable with Riihannon, during the treatment she reminded me many times that it was my space and I could feel safe by taking my power home, and I really felt she was there to help me with truthfulness and professionalism.
The treatment in itself was not so fun. A little painful mentally and sometimes physically, but it was that kind of pain you know is going to heal you. I want to underline the fact I never had a de-armouring before and getting a yoni massage was far from my thoughts.
I met Riihannon for the first time for a consultation and I clearly felt her beautiful clear energy, I didn't have any doubts she was the right one to have this deep experience with. I can now say that i am less "scared" about expressing my true needs and feelings.
During the treatment Riihannon asked me many times to express with a sound what I was feeling. I couldn't. I realized I never allowed my self to express when I was feeling pain. She guided me to be present and aware of what was going on and reminded me many times we were there for me only.
3 days after the session I met a guy. He was there sitting in this cafe. I sat next to him and started to chat. I felt way more open for a meeting and was not worrying as normal. I was comfortable in my body as a woman who knows her stuff ;) .. we spent 30 hours together, before he left the day after to Italy. It was magical. We slept together that night. I wasn't open for any sexual activity. I felt I really needed to respect and listen to myself first.This was the first big shift I observed after the session. A trueness to myself. Something within me was still working, healing. He really understood giving me only love and cuddles. Accepting me for how I was at that moment.
I then realized the Universe sent me the right situation my vibes were asking for.I do believe my internal vibes changed after my treatment with Riihannon and that it helped me to attract the right person for me. I did feel a strong strong chemical attraction for him and physical speaking I felt a sexual energy I never felt before.I did not feel any shame, which I usually feel when I try to feel pleasure. He left the day after, but we still keeping in touch ​and we might meeting each other again very very soon.
I would totally recommend Riihannon to anyone and I am available for any questions if you need to know more about my experience.
Elisa, Italy