I weave embodiment, leadership &
sexual energetics into what I call
Supporting leaders, Impact makers, high performance leaders & conscious entrepreneurs to be able to hold it all and deepen their embodiment and surrender & leadership to create their legacy from a place that is truely soulled and abundant inside out.
+ 100 professionals
Created embodied transformation
for over +10.000 people
Founded TPT de-armouring method & Tantric Sexology education to change the world
I am an embodiment expert, transformational leader, soulbusiness mentor 6 entrepreneur with a foundation in Trauma-informed Tantric Sexology & de-armouring.
My mission is to merge our human biology and lifeforce with our soul potential and support the embodiment joúrney of leaders to live their most fulfilled lifes while building our legacies of deep service to evolve consciousness on our planet.
I a founder of The TPT De-armouring Methods & Arts & Human Evolutionary Academy where I educate Tantric Sexologist & Tantric Bodyworkers (de-armouring) through a trauma-informed
and holistic approach.
I believe everything that happens in the world on a macro level, is a representation of the micro-level individual processes within each of us. Therefore I have devoted my life to being in service to embodied leadership evolution.
I have had over 1000 people through my hands, live educations, events & and programs and facilitated 1:1 immersions for leaders over the last 15 years.
I am happy that you are here!
With Love
Riihannon Wilde
Work with me
Masterclasses & Mini coruses
1:1 Immersions
1:1 Immersions
Educations & Trainings for professionals